About Site-Spares

Buy and Sell Second Hand and Unwanted Building Materials on Site-Spares

Site-spares is a website dedicated to buying and selling spare or second hand building materials. Anything going spare (that’s related to construction, landscaping or DIY) can be sold on site-spares.

What’s Happening Now

Site-spares provides a way for builders, tradesmen and the public to buy and sell spare or second hand building materials. If you sign up to site-spares, you can start buying and selling building materials in your local area right away. Site-spares is easy to use. The idea is to be minimum hassle. You can sign up in a few minutes and posting an ad takes about 30 seconds. We just want to create an easy, simple way to buy and sell building materials in the UK.

Having worked in construction, in landscaping and in building, the creators of site-spares are familiar with how much stuff ends up going spare. We want to create a completely construction based website where people can buy and sell spare stuff in their local area.

What Spare Building Materials Do You Mean?

Importantly, there are heaps of ordinary building materials that end going spare in the normal cycle of work. By this we mean lots of things for lots of different jobs. This could be anything like a few bags of cement, half a pallet of bricks, 10 rolls of turf, some sheets of insulation… to hundreds of other things. Anything that’s related to construction, landscaping or DIY, can be sold on site-spares.

However, as well as ordinary building materials, there are also the bigger, more valuable and rarer things. This is stuff like redundant tools and machinery, big overorders of materials or things like doors or windows that end up unwanted.

Rather than people not knowing what to do with all this stuff, we created site-spares.

If you’re a builder, a tradesman or a member of the public who’s interested in buying and selling building materials, then give site-spares a try. It’s really great!!

Stuff like this…

What We Hope to Provide in the Future

Our primary aim is to, eventually, provide the fastest and easiest way for people in the UK to buy and sell ordinary building materials. Rather than it being difficult to sell these things, we want it to be easy.

Money shouldn’t be wasted when things end up not being used, there should be an alternative to storage and it should be easy to get hold of other people’s spares for cheap.

As well as being a regular stop for people who are after cheap, ordinary building materials, we also want site-spares to be a place to look for rare, unusual or otherwise expensive items. What about something like an expensive window that’s accidentally manufactured to the wrong size? Surely someone can find somewhere other than a skip.

We hope that site-spares will provide a new, unique resource for people who are looking to buy and sell all manner of things related to construction, landscaping and DIY.

The Environment

As well as being practically and financially helpful, site-spares also allows you to do some good for the environment by limiting waste and promoting reuse.

Without talking about it too much and while it’s unavoidable to a large extent, construction projects often have a considerable environmental impact. Buying and selling on site-spares will allow you to help the situation.

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Is it free?

Site-spares is completely free to use at the moment. We might introduce some optional paid for services at a later date, but there are no plans to do so at the moment.

How do I join?

If you’re not already a member, click on the create-an-account link in the text above or at the top of the page.

Will you bombard me with emails and all other kinds of nonsense?

We have no interest in anything other than people being able buy and sell building materials with minimum hassle. As such, we’ll keep nonsense to an absolute minimum. You should just get 2 emails when you sign up and then a notification email when you get a message. You can opt out of these if you want.

Terms and Conditions

Site-spares accept no responsibility for anything. For more information, please visit here.